Books that Cook: Tallulah in the Kitchen

[Books that Cook:  An occasional feature in which the Books Together Test Kitchen (that would be me and my kids) prepares a recipe from the back of a picture book.  In this case, the recipe is actually in the middle of the picture book, which is a little inconvenient but still delicious.] 

We had our traditional first-day-of-school pancake breakfast this morning.  If you're a regular reader of bookstogether, you may remember that we like our pancakes!  I usually use Trader Joe's Multigrain Baking Mix, which makes something resembling pancakes only healthier, on weekday mornings; but this morning we tested the recipe for Tallulah's Amazing Blueberryalicious Pancakes from Tallulah in the Kitchen by Nancy Wolff (Henry Holt, 2005).

Notes from the Test Kitchen

  • Mark the illustrated list of ingredients with a paper clip.  Exact amounts aren't specified later in the text as Tallulah and her friends measure and add the ingredients to the bowl.
  • These pancakes are fluffy!  Don't overmix.
  • Roxy (Tallulah's pig friend) adds the berries to the batter in the bowl; I prefer to add the berries directly to the pancakes on the griddle (see also:  Don't overmix).  And, you can make them into a smiley face that way.